The Pets of VET
We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our Chief Morale officers here at VET.
With all of us working from home these days, these guys play a vital role in keeping spirits high.
Owner: Sarah Gilker, Operations Co-Ordinator
Nico is an Aussie Berna doodle, he is one year old!
Owner: Sarah Gilker, Operations Co-Ordinator
Buster is a Lhasa Apso poodle mix, and he is 14 years old!
Owner: Jennifer Hiett, Operations Coordinator
Jinx is short for Hijinx. She is a 13 year old white and tabby DSH. When she lived with other cats she was very nervous and spent most of her time either hiding or sneak-attacking the others. Needless to say, she didn’t make friends. Now that she is the only cat, she is much more relaxed and happy. She spends a lot more time with her humans, happily sitting on laps and getting pets. She also likes to sit by the back window and watch the neighborhood squirrels come and go on her deck.
Owner: Jennifer White, Event Manager
Hunter is an 9-year-old Chocolate Lab that we rescued at 15 months. He is the easiest, longest and most gentle lab we have ever met. He is a very unique/strange and loving dog. If “mom” says it is OK, then it is OK….hats, coats, boots, blankets etc. He loves his walks and having is belly rubbed for hours. He loves everyone especially his 1-year older sister, Ruby.
Owner: Jennifer White, Event Manager
Ruby is a 15 month old Goldador (Lab and Golden Retriever mix). We rescued her from a “farm” 4 hours north of Toronto at the age of 5.5 months. She was never allowed into the family home so that was a challenge and she had never been socialized. After working with Ruby (and currently her behaviour specialist) Ruby has come a long way. She is the goofy-ist dog we have ever owned. She is so gentle, loving and always wants to be with you, especially if your name is Hunter (her 9 year old Chocolate Lab brother).
Owner: Richard Jirka, Vice President, Technology
Louie is a Boston Terrier mixed with a Pug. Some people call this mix a Bug. Louie is 11 years old, with his 12th birthday coming up in April. Louie is a great dog and gives love to everyone. Louie especially loves to sit on people’s laps, snuggle under blankets, and roll on his freshly poured food. Louie is a best friend to many.
Owner: Amy Ruddell, Vice President, Business Unit
Freyja is a 6 year old miniature Yorkie. When she isn’t bullying the other dogs at Macgregor, she enjoys visiting with her Auntie Amy, eating chicken and delighting her Daddies, Paul and Dom with her clever tricks and adorable antics.
Owner: Amy Ruddell, Vice President, Business Unit
Hi, I’m Edward J. McBobbaglens, but you just call me Teddy!
I’m a recent newcomer to Toronto. They think my first family was lost in the earthquake in Turkey, where I then spent weeks on the streets and months in a shelter.
But I’m here now with my new Mom Amy and am and loving my new life!
Likes: Treats, my toys, the dog park, trips to the pet store and all the love and attention I get.
Dislikes: Squirrels. These crafty, tree climbing rats really vex me!
Owner: Gerda Hockridge, Operations Coordinator
Salty started pretty tiny. He was adopted very informally as someone has posted on Kijiji that they “had a kitten”. He was found under a bush in a subdivision near the farms north of Oshawa. We gladly took him home. He was so small he fit in my hand. Right away he showed his playful side by “catching” a ball rolled to him, so my son named him after Saltalamacchia, a Red Sox player back then. We had another cat at the time, Shady, who we thought might want company. Apparently not. Shady has since passed and Salty has the house to himself. He takes full advantage by running back and forth (zoomies!?) from one end of the house to the other. Since he turned 8 in November he’s not as interested in going out as much which is good because he’s an excellent hunter. He’s brought home lots of “presents”. But in the end, being a cat, his favourite thing is sleeping most of the day.
Indie Jones
Owner: Lee Baker, Event Director
Indie Jones is a Border Collie from Austria. She loves toys, sticks and people. She is named after Indiana jones, although she isn’t much of an adventurer. We call her Velcro because it is as if she is stuck to our sides everywhere we go. She loves working from home especially when the post comes!